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Tabi no Yado Luxuary-Assort Series pack

●Medicated bath additive.
● An assortment that lets you enjoy two varieties of powder-style bath products and three varieties of carbonated-style bath products.

● Contains Quality hot spring ingredients(Onsen minerals,Onsen moisturizing ingredients (sodium metasilicate),Onsen aroma compounds))
●Contains medicinal herbs (dried citrus peel, dong dang gui (Angelica Acutiloba )).
●Makes hot baths more effective, relieving fatigue and reducing sensitivity to cold, etc.
●Calming fragrance and relaxing, pleasantly clear water.

Effective for: fatigue relief, cold sensitivity, stiff shoulders, back pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, dry skin, heat rash, eczema, frostbite, cracked skin, chapped skin, bruises, hemorrhoids, postpartum cold sensitivity

●The carbon dioxide gas makes the hot bath more effective and stimulates blood circulation. For fatigue, stiff shoulders, and more.
●Includes moisture retaining ingredients (aloe juice powder (2))
●Enjoy a sense of relaxation with a soothing aroma and bubbling hot water.

Effective for: fatigue relief, cold sensitivity, stiff shoulders, back pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, dry skin, heat rash, eczema, frostbite, cracked skin, chapped skin, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, postpartum cold sensitivity, acne

*This product does not replicate hot spring water.

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